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Contract or Contact - Zemní a výkopové práce
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Contract or Contact

Contract or contact: Two words that have caused confusion for many writers over the years. While they may sound similar, their meanings differ greatly, and it’s important to use the correct one in your writing. As a professional, I’ve seen the negative impact of using the wrong word on a website`s search ranking. In this article, we’ll explore the meanings and proper usage of “contract” and “contact.”


The word “contract” can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. For instance, “I signed a contract with my landlord to rent my apartment for a year.” As a verb, “contract” refers to the act of entering into a formal agreement. For example, “I will contract with a contractor to remodel my kitchen in the coming months.”


“Contact” is also a word with both noun and verb forms. As a noun, it refers to the act of getting in touch with someone or something. For instance, “I tried to make contact with my friend, but she didn’t answer her phone.” As a verb, “contact” means to get in touch with someone or something. For example, “I will contact the vendor to order the materials for my project.”


The difference between these two words lies in their usage. “Contract” is typically used when referring to a written agreement, while “contact” is used when referring to getting in touch with someone or something. To ensure you’re using the correct word, double-check the context of your sentence.

For example, if you’re referring to a legal agreement, always use “contract.” However, if you’re talking about reaching out to someone, use “contact.” Here are some examples:

Correct usage of “contract”:

– We signed a contract with the new vendor.

– The contract specifies that all work must be completed within six months.

Correct usage of “contact”:

– Please contact us if you have any questions.

– I’ve been trying to contact my boss all morning, but he hasn’t answered.


In conclusion, it’s important to use the correct word between “contract” and “contact” in your writing to avoid confusion and maintain professionalism. Remember that “contract” refers to a legally binding agreement, while “contact” refers to getting in touch with someone or something. Always double-check the context of your sentence to ensure you’re using the correct word. By doing so, you’ll improve the effectiveness of your writing and potentially boost your website’s search ranking.

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