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Paris Agreement Exit - Zemní a výkopové práce
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Paris Agreement Exit

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What the Paris Agreement exit means for the environment and the world

On November 4, 2020, the United States officially withdrew from the Paris Agreement, a global pact to combat climate change signed by 195 countries in 2015. The decision, announced by President Donald Trump in 2017, triggered protests from environmental groups, businesses, and politicians, who argued that it undermined international cooperation, weakened the U.S. leadership role, and jeopardized the future of the planet.

The Paris Agreement aims to limit the global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve this goal, each country submitted a voluntary pledge, called a nationally determined contribution (NDC), outlining its target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to the impacts of climate change, and providing financial support to poorer nations. The agreement also established a framework for transparency, accountability, and review, to ensure that the pledges are credible and ambitious.

The U.S. initially pledged to reduce its emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025, but later rolled back some of the regulations and policies that would have helped achieve that goal. The Trump administration argued that the Paris Agreement was unfair to the U.S. and would harm its economy and jobs, without significantly reducing global emissions. Trump claimed that the U.S. would save trillions of dollars by not complying with the agreement and that other countries should pay more for their emissions.

However, many experts and studies have shown that the benefits of the Paris Agreement far outweigh the costs, both in terms of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, and species loss, and of seizing the opportunities of the clean energy transition, such as reducing air pollution, creating new jobs, and enhancing energy security. Moreover, the U.S. has historically been the largest emitter of greenhouse gases and the wealthiest nation, with a moral and legal obligation to take action and support the global efforts to address the climate crisis.

The Paris Agreement exit has several implications for the environment and the world, some of which are already visible and others that may emerge in the long term. These implications include:

– Increased global emissions: The U.S. withdrawal means that one of the major emitters of greenhouse gases is no longer committed to reducing them and may even increase them. This could undermine the Paris Agreement`s goal of keeping the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius and lead to more severe climate impacts that affect vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

– Weakened international cooperation: The Paris Agreement relies on multilateralism, diplomacy, and trust building among nations, as well as on scientific evidence and public participation. The U.S. withdrawal may weaken the spirit and credibility of the agreement, as well as the trust of other countries in the U.S. as a reliable partner. This could also affect other global challenges, such as pandemics, peace, and human rights, that require collective action and coordination.

– Shifted leadership roles: The Paris Agreement has catalyzed a wave of innovation, investment, and activism in clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and climate finance, among others. The U.S. withdrawal may create a leadership vacuum that other countries, such as China, the EU, and India, could fill, both in terms of setting ambitious climate targets and supporting developing countries. This could also create opportunities for U.S. states, cities, and businesses to take the lead on climate action, as many of them have committed to honoring the Paris Agreement and pursuing their own targets.

– Legal and political challenges: The Paris Agreement has a legal and political structure that enables parties to hold each other accountable and to adjust their commitments over time, based on the latest science and circumstances. The U.S. withdrawal may affect the functioning and effectiveness of these mechanisms, as well as the trust and cooperation among parties. It could also trigger legal disputes and challenges, especially if the U.S. seeks to undermine or reverse the climate policies of other countries, or if it tries to rejoin the Paris Agreement under different conditions or with lower ambition.

In conclusion, the Paris Agreement exit is a setback for the global efforts to address the climate crisis, but it is not the end of the story. The world still faces the urgent and complex task of reducing emissions, adapting to the impacts of climate change, and supporting the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems. The U.S. can still play a crucial role in this task, both domestically and internationally, by embracing the opportunities of the clean energy transition, prioritizing climate action in its policies and investments, and engaging constructively with other countries in multilateral forums. The Paris Agreement may be just one instrument among many, but it represents a shared vision and commitment to a safer, healthier, and more equitable future for all.

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